School Program: –
- Early Intervention Schooling :- Age group (2 years – 5 years) Timings :- 9am-12 noon – The school program is tailor made and focuses on holistic development. It is based on the Portage Guide to Early Childhood Education Curriculum for special needs children. Children are supported to achieve self help and independent skills along with academics.
- Tweens schooling :- Age group (6years – 12 years) Timings :- 9am – 2:30pm – Primarily the focus here is on Vocational training along with self help skills. Academics is also given importance driven by the cognitive level of the individual.
- Vocational Training :- 13+ years and above – This program is offered mainly to older individuals who can self support themselves and even achieve financial independence. Classes are conducted thrice a week (minimum) for 1 hour each. For further details contact Vishalini / Abira or visit us.
- Behaviour modification remedial classes :- The program is focussed on children who lacks sitting tolerance, poor focus/concentration, tantrums. Through calming mechanism, playway method and positive reinforcement the children are taught socially acceptable behaviour and instruction following.
- Occupational Therapy :- It is the use of assessment and treatment to develop, recover, or maintain the daily living and work skills of people with a physical, mental, or cognitive disorder. Occupational therapists also focus much of their work on identifying and eliminating environmental barriers to independence and participation in daily activities. It is a client-centered practice that places emphasis on the progress towards the client’s goals. At Daiva Occupational therapy with Children and Youth takes a variety of forms.
- Facilitating hand writing development in school-aged children
- Promoting functional skills for children with developmental disabilities
- Providing individualized treatment for sensory processing difficulties
- Addressing psychosocial needs of a child and teaching effective coping strategies
- Speech Language Therapy :- Speech-Language Pathologists provide a wide range of services, mainly on an individual basis, but also as support for individuals, families, support groups, and providing information for the general public. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders in children and adults.[3] Speech services begin with initial screening for communication and swallowing disorders and continue with assessment and diagnosis, consultation for the provision of advice regarding management, intervention and treatment, and provision counseling and other follow up services for these disorders.
Services are provided in the following areas:
- Cognitive aspects of communication (e.g., attention, memory, problem solving, executive functions).
- Speech (phonation, articulation, fluency, resonance, and voice including aeromechanical components of respiration);
- Language (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatic/social aspects of communication) including comprehension and expression in oral, written, graphic, and manual modalities; language processing; preliteracy and language-based literacy skills, phonological awareness.
- Swallowing or other upper aerodigestive functions such as infant feeding and aeromechanical events (evaluation of esophageal function is for the purpose of referral to medical professionals);
- Remedial classes for toddlers voice (hoarseness (dysphonia), poor vocal volume (hypophonia), abnormal (e.g. rough, breathy, strained) vocal quality. Research demonstrates voice therapy to be especially helpful with certain patient populations; individuals with Parkinson’s Disease often develop voice issues as a result of their disease.[4]
- Sensory awareness related to communication, swallowing, or other upper aerodigestive functions. Speech, language, and swallowing disorders result from a variety of causes, such as a stroke,[5] brain injury,[6] hearing loss,[7] developmental delay,[8] a cleft palate,[9] cerebral palsy,[10] or emotional issues.[11]
- Playway Therapy:-
- Services offered :
- Learning social play
- Control temper tantrums
- Knowing the environment
- Turn taking
- School readiness program
- Developing Sitting tolerance
- Developing focus/attention
- Instruction/command following
- Developing fine/gross motor functions
- Understanding the concept of routine
- Toilet training
Parent Counselling :- Counselling session is conducted for parents to create health awareness, discuss general concern, ward handling.
Internship program :- Open to senior school and college students as part of their degree completion. Program duration is subject to requirement. Successful and competent students are also offered job if need be.
Group intervention program :- This is conducted twice a week for children with Communication disorder, poor socialisation skill, learn concept of sharing, turn taking, listening, responding or replying in a group environment.